Wildflower Bouquet

Wildflower Bouquet


11 x 14 inches

Original art. Acrylic ink on archival cold press watercolor paper.

Sealed and signed.

White mat included fits a 16x20 inch frame.

This painting is a bouquet you can keep all year round for cheer. It was inspired by Mother’s Day celebrations and how the cheerful gift of fresh flowers can light up someone’s day. I hope to bring that feeling of happiness into your space with these pops of violet, coral, and olive greens.

“The Earth laughs in flowers.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Shipping: Free domestic shipping on all orders over $200. This painting will be carefully placed inside an archival sleeve and shipped in protective packing with insurance.

Can ship within 1 week of order. If expedited shipping is of interest, please contact me to coordinate.

Framing:  Ready to frame. If you wish to purchase the pictured frame, please contact me prior to checkout and I’ll adjust the total accordingly. Options for frames are endless as seen with this 16 x 20 inch brushed gold aluminum for a more contemporary feel. If you would like recommendations on frames, please contact me and I’m happy to help. I recommend pairing your artwork with an acid-free mat and enclosing behind anti-reflective glass. *sold unframed

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Sale Price:$175.00 Original Price:$225.00